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Unique with a Social Emotional Learning Approach!

RULER is an emotional education program created by the Yale University Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER aims to:

  • To teach that all emotions are worthwhile in themselves and that they are inherent to human beings.
  • Create a common language for classifying and expressing emotions: a shared socioemotional language.
  • Encourage the student to be able to express what he/she feels and to have the tools to regulate it.

RULER helps people of all ages use their emotions wisely, opening up opportunities for success in school, work and life. These skills are both personal and social, so that a network of positive change emerges.

What does RULER mean?

How do we implement RULER?

RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER supports entire communities in understanding the value of emotions, developing emotional intelligence skills, and creating and maintaining a positive school climate.

Benefits for our students

Improved academic performance

It allows you to manage your emotions and focus better on your studies.

Improved emotional and social well-being

It fosters empathy and healthier relationships with peers.

Peaceful conflict resolution

It fosters a greater degree of tolerance and respect among pupils.

Life skills development

Fortalece competencias emocionales para retos futuros.

RULER tools



En concreto busca que los estudiantes se pongan de acuerdo sobre las emociones que todos desearían sentir. Para ello, piensan la forma de ayudar a los demás a experimentar esos sentimientos.


Medidor emocional

Consiste en un gráfico con cuatro cuadrantes en el que las emociones se miden en función de dos variables. Así, los niños y niñas clasifican sus emociones en más o menos agradables o desagradables.



Se trata de una herramienta de reflexión sobre los sentimientos destructivos. De esa manera, cada uno aprenderá a calmarse y recuperar el control para poder reflexionar.

The blue print

Ante un problema o un conflicto con otra persona, se plantea la empatía y la comprensión de la posición y sentimientos de los demás. En definitiva, en lugar de hablar del problema y volver a los sentimientos negativos que produce, se analiza la situación desde el punto de vista de los otros afectados.

Become part of the best possible family


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