We all have the fundamental right to submit respectful requests to the institutions on grounds of general or particular interest and to obtain their prompt resolution.
Expression of discontent or disagreement formulated in relation to conduct that is considered irregular on the part of one or more public servants in the performance of their duties.
The right of any person to demand, claim or demand a remedy, concerning the improper provision of a service or the lack of attention to a request.
A proposal made by an individual with the purpose of improving service provision in any of the academic or administrative areas of the institution.
Expression of a citizen’s satisfaction with the provision of a service.
It is important for us to respond in a timely manner to your requests, to know your concerns, suggestions, compliments or complaints about our processes. This allows us to advance in our continuous improvement and to guarantee our families the strengthening of our processes.
How to send your PQRS?
Follow the steps below and let us know your PQRS.
For more information, please send an email to: experiencia@gimnorte.edu.co
Gimnasio del Norte © 2025
Gimnasio del Norte is part of the Cognita family of Schools